Sunday 30 October 2016

Achieve Fuller Beard and Moustache Through a Hair Ssurgery

Are you unable to enjoy normal growth of hair in beard and moustache? Want to get fuller beard and moustache like a style icon? If yes, then it is possible through moustache and Beard Hair Transplant in Dubai. 

Different people opt for this surgery with different reasons; some people need this surgery just because they want to cover some burn marks. Other men might be able to grow hair of beard but they want to get rid of bald patches. Even there is a case when people don’t have normal growth. Some people keep beard hair because such hairs offer them full self-confidence. No matter what the reason behind a beard hair surgery, you always have a chance to grow hair like a style icon in less than a year.

What is really important for a patient of hair loss is the cost of a surgery. A surgeon would be able to provide you a cost estimate based on number of grafts you required for a surgery. The cost is charged per graft basis or per session basis. It is possible that you need more than 500 grafts for the beard surgery and more than 200 grafts for your moustache hair surgery. If you need highly dense beard then it requires more grafts. This means cost of surgery will be increased. Though cost will be high yet you are able to restore your moustache and beard hair.

It is important to plan a consultation session with your surgeon before Facial Hair Transplant in Dubai. During this session, you need to tell your surgeon what you are expecting from your surgery. How dense hair you need in your beard and moustache. Your surgeon will make the best plan that helps you achieve the best results from this surgery.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Patient needs Esthetic Improvements via a Surgery

A patient of hair loss plans a hair surgery because he wants to get esthetic improvement. So, what is important for a patient is to choose an experienced hair specialist from the best Hair Transplant Clinic in Dubai. A patient doesn't only need to restore his hair but he needs cosmetic and esthetic improvements. It simply means that he wants to achieve natural hair look. He wants to restore hair in a way on bald area that it seems that the person never suffers from hair loss.

Hair characteristics of each person are different. Some people have curly black hair while other has wavy brown hair. The most important characteristics is hair caliber. Usually a person has thick and dense hair caliber at the back of head. A hair specialist extracts hair from this area of head to create fullness and bulk look in the mid-scalp area of hair loss. Areas on side of head have fine hair texture. Hair from these areas is used to create frontal hair line.

One thing which is quite challenging for a hair specialist is to decide the exact placement of hairline. He always involves patients in this decision. And ask him where he wants to see his hairline. A surgeon picks the best location for hairline placement based on his experience and skill.

He considers certain factors such as future hair loss anticipation, extent of hair loss, shape and size of patient's head.

The goal of recent advanced FUE Hair Restoration in Dubai is not only to restore hair of a patient but also to make cosmetic and aesthetic improvements. Because only a hair restoration might not help a person to regain his lost self-confidence and self-image. It is essential to create a natural looking hairline and hair density through a surgery.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Can my Hair Surgery be Undetectable?

There are many people who suffer from hair loss and search for the best solution. They try to avoid a hair surgery at any cost just because they perceive that results of surgery will be detectable to others. They cannot simply bear this. If you have a concern that your surgery remains secret between you and your physician then it is certainly made possible through advanced FUE Hair Transplant in Dubai. This is an advanced technique through which you are able to restore full head of hair and no one can make a difference between your existing and transplanted hair. No one can ever know that you have undergone a hair surgery.

As you are going to enjoy a great benefit from FUE hair surgery like undetectable surgery therefore you need to pay extra for this benefit. Actually, this surgery is different from a traditional hair surgery where a person gets a noticeable linear scar on the back of head. In an advanced FUE surgery method, a person doesn’t get noticeable scar. Therefore, no one can detect that you have a hair surgery.

 Surgeon makes the best plan for new hairline and mid-scalp hair. Depending on extent of loss and number of hair, he spreads hair all across your head in a way that you get esthetic and natural hair look. In addition, he tries to maintain your hair density by inserting adequate number of grafts on scalp. The main purpose is to give fullness impact and bulky look.

It is always suggested to choose the best Hair Transplant Clinic in Dubai which let you enjoy services of an experienced and skillful surgeon. When you hire an expert for your hair job, you are able to get the best and undetectable surgery results for sure.

Sunday 16 October 2016

What Risks are Involved in FUE Hair Surgery

A hair surgery is fairly simple procedure and it is a kind of minor surgery. However, it is a medical treatment which includes some risks. It is always good for a patient to know completely about this procedure. Today, patients of hair loss are become really conscious and they want to get every single detail of a procedure, before they really make a plan for it. Some patients plan Eyebrow hair Restoration in Dubai which is done through FUE procedure. They want to know what possible risks and side effects are there. So, let’s get complete details.

In rare cases, a person encounters an infection or scarring. In this situation, a hair specialist uses the best treatment to deal with these issues. In major cases, graft area doesn’t look the way a patient expects it to look. There are also some cases when a person experience graft rejections, it normally happens when a person picks an inexperienced surgeon to perform an FUE hair surgery. Some people also experience delayed healing due to some natural reasons.

If you want to avoid all these risks then you should pick the best Hair Transplant Clinic in Dubai. It is good to research not only about procedure but also clinic and surgeon. Always pick a skillful and experienced person. You might cut down hair transplant cost simply by choosing an inexperienced surgeon. But this bad decision might lead to great risks and bad results. You need to be really careful when it comes to selection of surgeon. The skill of surgeon is a must, if you want to avoid risks and also to grab optimal cosmetic outcome from your FUE hair surgery.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

How to Treat Bald Crown Area?

Bald crown area is common problem among men. This problem definitely leaves bad effects on one’s personality. If you are having bald crown which size is almost palm of your hand then you should think about Crown Hair Transplant in Dubai. There are many people who use Propecia but it is good to know that this medicine can stop hair loss but it cannot promote hair growth in your crown area. Many hair transplant physician prescribe this medication in order to get the optimal results from a hair surgery. It is like combining two treatments side by side and then getting the best possible results.

Covering a crown is like carpeting a basket ball. As ball is curved so your crown area is. A single angle or direction is not used to completely cover this area. A hair transplant physician needs to follow a whorl pattern where angle and direction of one hair could be different from other. What really matters is to select the best hair transplant surgeon. Only a skillful surgeon has complete idea how to cover bald crown by inserting grafts at right angles and positions.

Size of crown area is indeed a factor which affects the plan of surgeon about FUE Hair Restoration in Dubai. When the size is big just like palm of hand, then it means that you need to wear it short. In case you have thin hair then you are able to enjoy good coverage in first session but when you need good hair density then you have to plan another hair surgery session. If you need more than one surgery, then make sure that you pick a physician who cover first scar with second surgery. You don’t want to get two scars on head with complete coverage of bald crown area. Isn’t it?

Thursday 6 October 2016

Hair Loss Patient Needs Individualized Treatment

With the advancement in scientific knowledge about hair loss, it becomes quite clear that causes of hair loss are complex and may vary from one person to another. As cause of hair loss in every person is different and somehow personal therefore it is essential for a hair surgeon to develop an individualized plan for FUT or FUE Hair Transplant in Dubai. This step is quite important. It is not possible to use same plan on every person. As causes vary, so surgeon has to make a plan that is suitable for an individual person.

What to consider for individualized hair loss treatment?
A hair specialist needs to make a plan based on cause, pattern, rapidity and extent of hair loss. These are not the only elements to consider. Another important consideration is patient expectations regarding the results. This plan should take into account potential complication and side effects based on medical and family history of a patient. It is also important to ask from the patient how much time and money he is ready to invest in this plan.

When a physician considers all vital elements then it becomes quite easy for him to make a plan which really works his patient. Every patient has some sort of expectations regarding the results of FUT and FUE Hair Restoration in Dubai.  It is suggested to plan a complete consultation session the purpose of which is to understand what expectations of patients are. When expectations are known, next thing to do is to address all possible issues related to a hair surgery. Some patients have fear while other have cost problem. No matter what issue they face, it is duty of surgeon to deal them with care and personal attention.

Hair loss treatment will bring the great results when it has a great back-end individualized hair treatment plan from a skillful and experienced surgeon.

Monday 3 October 2016

After Care is Important in Hair Surgery

When people research about hair surgery, then they normally read about its procedure and results. Mostly, they forget to check after care section which really needs their complete attention. No matter how skillful surgeon you pick for the job and how much Hair Transplant Cost in Dubai you bear, if you don’t care about you after a surgery then you won’t be able to enjoy optimal results. It is really important for you to know how to take good care of yourself.

Just after a hair surgery, it is important to use bandage on transplanted hair section. You hear many times that you can restore your work activities after one day, it is true. However, what is also true is that you don’t need to involve yourself in stress. You need to keep your mind relax. It is good to avoid shower and bath for 3 days. Don’t take part in strenuous activities because they might cause bleeding from your transplanted hair and it is also possible that some implants eject from their position. Though ejection happens only in rare cases but it surely can affect your overall hair surgery results. So, it is good to be careful. Smoking and alcohol consumption must be halted for almost 3 weeks.

It is good to keep your head elevated with the use of 2 to 3 cushions when you opt for sleep at night. You experience swelling around your eyes and transplanted hair areas. A hair physician usually prescribes some medications just to provide you great relief. Discomfort is common but medicines help you feel better. If you experience infection or some serious issue, it is advised to immediately visit nearest Hair Transplant Clinic in Dubai for better care and guidance.