Thursday 21 July 2016

What is FUE Hair Transplant exactly

Many times you heard about FUE when it comes to hair restoration. So, you may wonder what is it and why it is so popular. So, let’s find out complete details of this surgical hair restoration method.
First of all, FUE is a short form of Follicular Unit Extraction. It is a method of harvesting hair follicle from donor area. This area is usually back and side of scalp. In this area hair won’t fall out during the lifetime of a patient. Therefore, surgeon prefers to use this donor area not only for scalp but also for beard and Eyebrow Hair Transplant in Dubai.

In FUE, an experienced physician extracts each follicle unit one by one with the mean of a micro punch. It is good to know that there are many different kinds of punch instruments such as manual punches, motorized punches, sharp, blunt, thin, etc.  You should understand that these instruments doesn’t matter much what is matter is the experience of a physician. Every instrument brings the best result only when it is in the hand of an expert surgeon
FUE is quite different from traditional method of surgery known as strip of FUT (follicular unit transplantation). During FUT, a strip of hair is extracted and follicular units are prepared by technicians with the help of microscopy. As a strip of hair bearing tissue is removed from donor site, therefore it leaves a scar on this area after closure. FUE also involves scar but it is not a linear scar that you usually get with classic technique of hair restoration. FUE Hair Transplant in Dubai is the most reliable clinic for hair transplant.

Surgeons always try to offer you as natural look as possible. Attaining a natural look is quite dependent on different factors such as good density, direction of implantation, usage of proper follicular unit in each site, hairline and many other things. 


  1. Very nice information. We offer the low cost FUE hair transplant treatment to the patient. We offer the best treatment as compared to others clinics. For further details read our blogpost.

    1. Abu Dhabi is that it leaves no benefactor scar. This is particularly pleasant on the off chance that you tend to wear your hair short.

  2. Hair transplant is very common now days in men & women also. Because every one wants to be look good and young.

