Tuesday 8 November 2016

How Surgeon makes Hair Transplant Plan

The complete hair loss treatment plan is completely dependent on evaluation and examination phase. This phase is really important because it helps a surgeon to better understand a patient and his problem and then to come with a plan- which is simply the best solution.

Examination Phase

In this phase, a hair transplant surgeon examines his patient’s scalp. The purpose of this examination is to determine whether a person has adequate donor hair on scalp or not. When hairs are adequate then a hair surgery can be performed. When donor hair supply is inadequate then a surgeon has to make a plan of Body Hair Transplant in Dubai. He gets donor hair from body areas not from scalp.

Another thing he examines is the number of grafts which are required to cover the bald area. Some men have lost complete head of hair, so a surgeon has to make a plan in which he covers complete head but with low density of hair. However, when only a part of scalp is bald then he is able to make a plan where he can cover complete area with good density and quality hair grafts.

This examination is quite important because it makes clear extent of hair loss and availability of donor hair. The cost of your hair transplant is dependent on number of grafts your scalp needs. The more grafts you needs, the high cost you will pay.

Evaluation Phase
In this phase, a surgeon checks your medical history, medicine records, and family history. He checks all these things just to determine the main cause of hair loss and also your candidacy level.

Once both phases are over, you get clear idea what transplant plan a surgeon has for you. Don’t forget to share your expectations and desires during consultation sessions. All such things contribute to your overall FUE or FUE Hair Transplant in Dubai plan.

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